Teleconsultation in the prevention and control of older persons’ health with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic: study protocol

Geriatrics, Gerontology and Aging

Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana,500 - 609 - Copacabana
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Telefone: (21) 2285-8115
ISSN: 2447-2123
Editor Chefe: Patrick Alexander Wachholz
Início Publicação: 10/10/2007
Periodicidade: Anual
Área de Estudo: Ciências da Saúde, Área de Estudo: Educação física, Área de Estudo: Enfermagem, Área de Estudo: Farmácia, Área de Estudo: Fisioterapia e terapia ocupacional, Área de Estudo: Fonoaudiologia, Área de Estudo: Medicina, Área de Estudo: Nutrição, Área de Estudo: Odontologia, Área de Estudo: Saúde coletiva, Área de Estudo: Serviço social, Área de Estudo: Multidisciplinar

Teleconsultation in the prevention and control of older persons’ health with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic: study protocol

Ano: 2021 | Volume: 15 | Número: Não se aplica
Autores: Vanessa de Lima Silvaa; Carla Helena Augustin Schwankeb; Adriana Falangola Benjamin Bezerraa; Ana Paula de Oliveira Marquesa; Tatiana de Paula Santana da Silvac; Carla Cabral dos Santos Accioly Linsa; Maria Lúcia Gurgel da Costaa; Anna Karla de Oliveira Tito Borbaa; Ilma Kruze Grande de Arrudaa; Maria das Graças Wanderley de Sales Coriolanoa
Autor Correspondente: Vanessa SIlva | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: aged, disease prevention, primary health care, remote consultation, coronavirus infections.

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

OBJECTIVE: To report the following study protocol: “Prevention program for older persons’ health care focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic in the city of Recife – PE.”
METHODS: An action research study will be conducted with 151 older people of both sexes residing in the 8 health districts of Recife, Brazil. A teleconsultation service will be used to converse with participants. Activities will be organized into 2 moments: diagnosis and intervention. A guided conversation strategy will be used, dealing with issues related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) prevention; social isolation; thoughts, emotions, and spirituality; family and community support; and personal development and ground rules for everyday life. The intervention with each older person will happen weekly for 12 weeks and will be characterized by listening to them and exchanging knowledge with the aim of bonding and optimizing adherence and compliance to COVID-19 prevention and control measures. Our data analysis will follow 3 approaches: cross-sectional (multivariate regression model), quasi-experimental (analysis of standardized residuals), and qualitative (interview and content analysis).
EXPECTED RESULTS AND RELEVANCE: The construction of scientific knowledge is a key strategy when faced with the great challenge to global collective health presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Data generated in this study may contribute to the improvement of knowledge, attitudes, and preventive practices, as well as to a good acceptance of the prevention program by older participants.