Environmental services in watersheds with small declivity: fluvial marine plains

Revista Ambiente E Água

Estrada Mun. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5.000 - Bairro Itaim
Taubaté / SP
Site: http://www.agro.unitau.br/seer/index.php/ambi-agua/index
Telefone: (12) 3625-4212
ISSN: 1980993X
Editor Chefe: Nelson Wellausen Dias
Início Publicação: 31/07/2006
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Área de Estudo: Ciências Agrárias, Área de Estudo: Ciências Biológicas, Área de Estudo: Ciências Exatas, Área de Estudo: Engenharias, Área de Estudo: Multidisciplinar

Environmental services in watersheds with small declivity: fluvial marine plains

Ano: 2019 | Volume: 14 | Número: 3
Autores: Mateus Marques Bueno ; Ricardo Valcarcel ; Felipe Araújo Mateus; Marcos Gervasio Pereira
Autor Correspondente: Mateus Marques Bueno | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: hydrogenetic areas, topographical index of wetness, water management

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Português:

Planícies fluvio-marinhas abrigam ambientes com reduzida declividade, porém com ofertas diferenciadas de atributos ambientais que podem constituir relevantes serviços ecossistêmicos nas suas bacias hidrográficas, que podem ser transformadas em oportunidades para o desenvolvimento de pagamento de serviços ambientais. O estudo espacializou parte dos serviços ecossistêmicos relacionados a disponibilidade hídrica nas microbacias da Bacia Hidrográfica do Sistema Guandu, principal manancial de abastecimento da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, com base em fatores geo-ambientais e efeitos de transposição de água entre bacias hidrográficas, a fim de facilitar a tomada de decisão das políticas públicas em relação aos serviços ambientais. Os trechos com maior potencial para a produção de serviços ambientais a partir de vazões subterrâneas, índice de umidade topográfica - ITU (ITU >11), formação plana e baixa altimetria (<40 m), estão próximo aos antigos talvegues assoreados, que podem ser potencializados pelos efeitos da transposição, notadamente na unidade de conservação APA Guandu. Áreas planas com (7 < UIT < 11) têm seus serviços ecossistêmicos transferidos dos fluxos de água sub-superficiais para os fluxos de águas superficiais e dependem mais dos fenômenos meteorológicos e das formas de manejo de chuvas intensas durante seu uso, especialmente quando a altimetria e inclinação aumentam.

Palavras-chave: áreas hidrogenéticas, índice topográfico de umidade, manejo hídrico.

Resumo Inglês:

Fluvial marine plains harbor environments with reduced declivity, but with different environmental attributes that may be relevant ecosystem services in their watersheds, which can be transformed into opportunities for the development of environmental services payments. This study digitally spatialized part of the ecosystem services related to water availability in the microbasins of the Guandu Basin Hydrographic Basin, the main source of water supply for the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, based on geo-environmental factors and the effects of transposition of watersheds, in order to facilitate the formulation of public policies regarding environmental services. The excerpts with the highest potential for producing environmental services from subsurface water flows, Topographic Wetness Index-ITU (ITU > 11), flat formation and low altimetry (< 40 m), are close to the old silted thalwegs, which can be potentialized by the effects of transposition, notably in the APA Guandu conservation unit. These areas should be prioritized in public and private water systems’ preservation programs. The areas near the transposition canals feature environmental services that depend directly on the transposition, and may be subject to management, as found in Guandu conservation unit. Flat areas with (7<ITU< 11) have their ecosystem services transferred from subsurface water flows to surface water flows and are dependent more on meteorological phenomena and on ways to manage heavy rain showers through their use, especially as altimetry and slope increase.

Resumo Espanhol:

Fluvial marine plains harbor environments with reduced declivity, but with different environmental attributes that may be relevant ecosystem services in their watersheds, which can be transformed into opportunities for the development of environmental services payments. This study digitally spatialized part of the ecosystem services related to water availability in the microbasins of the Guandu Basin Hydrographic Basin, the main source of water supply for the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, based on geo-environmental factors and the effects of transposition of watersheds, in order to facilitate the formulation of public policies regarding environmental services. The excerpts with the highest potential for producing environmental services from subsurface water flows, Topographic Wetness Index-ITU (ITU > 11), flat formation and low altimetry (< 40 m), are close to the old silted thalwegs, which can be potentialized by the effects of transposition, notably in the APA Guandu conservation unit. These areas should be prioritized in public and private water systems’ preservation programs. The areas near the transposition canals feature environmental services that depend directly on the transposition, and may be subject to management, as found in Guandu conservation unit. Flat areas with (7<ITU< 11) have their ecosystem services transferred from subsurface water flows to surface water flows and are dependent more on meteorological phenomena and on ways to manage heavy rain showers through their use, especially as altimetry and slope increase.