Burden of herpes zoster among Brazilian adults – a hospital-based study

Geriatrics, Gerontology and Aging

Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana,500 - 609 - Copacabana
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Site: http://ggaging.com
Telefone: (21) 2285-8115
ISSN: 2447-2123
Editor Chefe: Patrick Alexander Wachholz
Início Publicação: 10/10/2007
Periodicidade: Anual
Área de Estudo: Ciências da Saúde, Área de Estudo: Educação física, Área de Estudo: Enfermagem, Área de Estudo: Farmácia, Área de Estudo: Fisioterapia e terapia ocupacional, Área de Estudo: Fonoaudiologia, Área de Estudo: Medicina, Área de Estudo: Nutrição, Área de Estudo: Odontologia, Área de Estudo: Saúde coletiva, Área de Estudo: Serviço social, Área de Estudo: Multidisciplinar

Burden of herpes zoster among Brazilian adults – a hospital-based study

Ano: 2021 | Volume: 15 | Número: Não se aplica
Autores: Ariane de Jesus Lopes de Abreu; Amanda Venysb; Wilson Jacob; Thiago da Silva; Angela Henriqueb; Kusuma Gopala; Eliana Nogueira Castro de Barros
Autor Correspondente: Ariane Abreu | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: herpes zoster; neuralgia, postherpetic; epidemiology; aged.

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical features of herpes zoster in adult patients treated at a large tertiary care hospital in Brazil over a 5-year period.
METHODS: The medical records of suspected herpes zoster cases (based on ICD-10 codes) were identified for full review. Convenience sampling was used to select the medical records from a tertiary hospital in São Paulo. We collected data about co-existing medical conditions, medication use, herpes zoster-related clinical features and outcomes, and healthcare resource utilization.
RESULTS: A total of 249 individuals whose first episode of herpes zoster occurred between 2010 and 2014 were included. The mean patient age was 55 years (range 18–96), and the majority were women (63.05%) and aged ≥ 50 years (63.86%). Medical comorbidities were reported in 92.77%, including diabetes (19.68%) and HIV infection (7.63%). Current/recent use of immunosuppressive agents was reported in 31.73%. A total of 65.86% of the patients were hospitalized: 102 patients (40.96%) were admitted for herpes zoster management, while 62 (24.90%) were already receiving inpatient care. The mean hospital length of stay was 16.60 days. One-third (34.14%) were managed as outpatients. Postherpetic neuralgia was reported as a complication in 18.07%.
CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective descriptive study found a high frequency of herpes zoster episodes in older adults with comorbidities who sought medical care at a tertiary hospital. These results also underscore the importance of understanding the epidemiology of this disease and developing control strategies for these at-risk populations in Brazil.