Was Duhem Justified in not Distinguishing Between Physical and Chemical Atomism?

Transversal International Journal for the Historiography of Science

Av. Antonio Carlos, 6627 Pampulha
Belo Horizonte / MG
Site: http://www.historiographyofscience.org
Telefone: (31) 3409-3808
ISSN: 2526-2270
Editor Chefe: Mauro Lúcio Leitão Condé
Início Publicação: 30/11/2016
Periodicidade: Semestral
Área de Estudo: História

Was Duhem Justified in not Distinguishing Between Physical and Chemical Atomism?

Ano: 2017 | Volume: 0 | Número: 2
Autores: Paul Needham
Autor Correspondente: Paul Needham | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: Pierre Duhem, atomism, caloric, chemistry, thermodynamics

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

Chemists in the late nineteenth century were apt to distinguish the theory of chemical structure they
advocated as chemical, as opposed to physical, atomism. The failure on Duhem’s part to consider any such
distinction in his critique of atomism might be taken to be a lacuna in his argument. Far from being a
weakness in his stance, however, I argue that he had good systematic reasons for not taking such a
distinction seriously.