University–industry technological cooperation for energy efficiency: a case study

University–industry technological cooperation for energy efficiency: a case study

Ano: 2006 | Volume: 3 | Número: 1
Autores: Andréa Paula Segatto-Mendes, Nathan Mendes
Autor Correspondente: Andréa Paula Segatto-Mendes | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: technological innovation, cooperation between university and company, energy efficiency

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

The central aim of this article is to demonstrate the development and characteristics of an inter-institutional
relationship with a view to perfecting existing technology in reducing the consumption of energy in household
refrigerators and also to show the adequacy of the case studied for the most recent preconceived ideas
concerning the development of Etzkowitz’s Triple Helix. The study refers to the technological cooperation
between universities and industries and the presentation of a successful experience in which the joint action of
individual institutions led to technological gains for both parties. The data was collected from individual in depth
interviews with the research coordinators at the both company and the university. The results obtained showed
not only the efficiency of the joint research but also the success of the cooperation and the identification of the
practice of new positions raised in recent studies. Thus, by studying the experience of these institutions in
technological cooperation, we can see that the productivity and efficiency of the cooperation between the
university and the company open up possibilities for contributing to the technological development of the