Este trabalho resulta do estudo da temática da migração rural, presente nos
romances O quinze e A bagaceira. Através de uma pesquisa qualitativa foram consultados
documentos de órgãos governamentais e não-governamentais, dados estatÃsticos, matérias de
jornais e obras que tratam de questões como a seca e o êxodo rural para subsidiar a análise dos
excertos, retirados do corpus, pertinentes ao tema, os quais foram interpretados a partir do
método dialético em associação com o método comparativo, sob o enfoque da Teoria do
Romance de Georg Lukács, sequenciada por estudiosos como Lucien Goldmann, Roger Bastide,
Michel Zéraffa, Fredric Jameson, Alfredo Bosi e Antonio Candido. Buscou-se caracterizar o
perÃodo histórico e o espaço geográfico dos romances, de modo a demonstrar como a literatura
representa a migração causada pela seca e seus efeitos danosos e pela ausência de programas
governamentais que garantam a permanência do homem nordestino em seu meio.
This work is the result of the study of the rural migration in the novels “O
quinzeâ€, by Raquel de Queiroz, and “A bagaceiraâ€, by José Américo de Almeida, which are
representatives of the Regionalist literature of the 30s. Through the qualitative research carried
out, documents pertaining to government institutions, statistics newspapers and literature
compositions that deal questions such as the drought and the rural exodus were consulted in
order to analyze all the themes in the novels. The novels were interpreted based on the dialectic
method and association with the comparative method, supported by Georg Lukács “The theory
of novels†followed by experts such as Lucien Goldmann, Roger Bastide, Michel Zèraffa,
Fredric Jameson, Alfredo Bosi and Antonio Candido. Sources from the field of history and
geography have been utilized in order to comprehending the proposition from an
interdisciplinary perspective. The sources served as reference to characterize the novels’
historical period and geographical space in order to show how literature represents the rural
exodus caused by drought and its damaging effects as well as by the lack of official programs
which would guarantee the permanence of the men from the northeast in their own environment.