Nine new records to inventory of continental mollusc species from Santa Catarina State, Central Southern Brazil

Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences

Caixa Postal 5063
João Pessoa / PB
Telefone: (83) 91111783
ISSN: 23582731
Editor Chefe: Ronilson José da Paz
Início Publicação: 31/05/2014
Periodicidade: Semestral
Área de Estudo: Biologia geral

Nine new records to inventory of continental mollusc species from Santa Catarina State, Central Southern Brazil

Ano: 2014 | Volume: 1 | Número: 1
Autores: A. I. Agudo-Padrón, J. S. Luz, L. A. Funez, A. E. Zermiani
Autor Correspondente: A. I. Agudo-Padrón | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: Continental molluscs, Santa Catarina State, Species inventory

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

A new total of nine continental gastropod forms are incorporated to the previous systematic malacological inventory of Santa Catarina's State/SC, central southern Brazil region, the species Helicina schereri Baker, 1913, Assiminea sp, Lamellaxis clavulinus (Potiez & Michaud, 1838), Lamellaxis (Leptopeas) cf. mizius Marcus & Marcus, 1968, Plekocheilus (Eurytus) sp, Rhinus cf. longisetus (Moricand, 1846), Simpulopsis cf. ovata Sowerby, 1822, Megalobulimus klappenbachi Leme, 1964, and Zilchogyra cleliae Weyrauch, 1965. Included in eight genera and seven families, raise the state record for 220 species and subspecies regionally known (190 gastropods - 148 terrestrial, 2 amphibian and 40 limnic/freshwater –, and 30 freshwater bivalves).