Effect of a Phosphonium Salt Grafted on Polymers on Cucumber Germination and Initial Growth

Brazilian Archives Of Biology And Technology

Rua Professor Algacyr Munhoz Mader 3775, CIC
Curitiba / PR
Site: http://www.scielo.br/babt
Telefone: (41) 3316-3012
ISSN: 15168913
Editor Chefe: Carlos Ricardo Soccol
Início Publicação: 30/11/1946
Periodicidade: Bimestral
Área de Estudo: Biologia geral

Effect of a Phosphonium Salt Grafted on Polymers on Cucumber Germination and Initial Growth

Ano: 2011 | Volume: 54 | Número: 1
Autores: Adriana Popa, Manulela Crisan, Aurelia Visa, Gheorghe Ilia
Autor Correspondente: Gheorghe Ilia | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: nylphosphonium salt, phytotoxicity, cucumis sativus l

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

The aims of this study were the synthesis, characterization and the testing of vinyldiphenylphosphonium salt
phytotoxicity. Phytotoxicity of the synthesised salt was tested on Cucumis sativus L. seed germination and early
seedling growth, at five different concentrations, using a standardized toxicity test. Endpoints included the
determination of some seedling parameters: root and shoot length, root and shoot biomass, root and shoot dry
weight ratio and final germination percentage. The vinyldiphenylphosphonium salt showed moderate to strong root
length and root biomass inhibition, which increases progressively with the increasd of the concentration level.