Comportamento informacional dos profissionais da saúde no hospital de reabilitação de anomalias craniofaciais da Universidade de São Paulo – HRAC – USP


Avenida Reitor Miguel Calmon - s/n - Canela
Salvador / BA
Telefone: (71) 3283-7758
ISSN: 1981-6766
Editor Chefe: Maria Isabel Sousa Barreira
Início Publicação: 10/06/2007
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Área de Estudo: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Área de Estudo: Ciência da informação

Comportamento informacional dos profissionais da saúde no hospital de reabilitação de anomalias craniofaciais da Universidade de São Paulo – HRAC – USP

Ano: 2019 | Volume: 13 | Número: 2
Autores: D. da S. P. Wellichan, H. de C. S. Casarin, T. F. G. Motti
Autor Correspondente: D. da S. P. Wellichan | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: comportamento informacional, análise de domínio, saúde, equipe multiprofissional hospitalar, hospital de reabilitação de anomalias craniofaciais da universidade de são paulo - hrac - usp

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Português:

Os estudos de comportamento informacional visam descrever o comportamento humano relacionado às fontes e canais de informação, descrevendo os processos de busca, recuperação, acesso e uso da informação. As contribuições destes estudos, quando seguem a abordagem de domínio, podem ser aplicadas em produtos e serviços informacionais adequados a diferentes grupos de usuários de estudados. Neste estudo, buscou-se descrever as necessidades informacionais de membros de uma equipe multidisciplinar de profissionais da área da saúde, em um hospital especializado em reabilitação de anomalias craniofaciais. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de aplicação de questionário aos profissionais da equipe de atendimento aos pacientes com fissura labiopalatina, incluindo as áreas de medicina, odontologia, enfermagem, fonoaudiologia, serviço social e psicologia, num total de 56 participantes. Os resultados indicaram uma preferência dos participantes por fontes de informação informais (consultas a colegas e/ou à equipe multiprofissional) e o uso de bases de dados e artigos especializados como forma de atualização profissional. Constatou-se a dificuldade dos profissionais na elaboração de estratégias. O Centro de Documentação também foi apontado como utilizado pelos profissionais, mostrando um panorama diferente da literatura nacional e internacional, além de confirmar a importância do bibliotecário clínico no contexto hospitalar. Tais considerações permitem constatar que, no ambiente informacional da saúde, produtos e serviços precisam ser oferecidos de forma rápida e de acordo com suas necessidades.

Resumo Inglês:

Since more than 50 years, information behavior studies seek to describe the process of searching, access, use and retrieval of information. In the area of Information Science, over the years, various studies were performed in order to meet the growth in the number of studies and their contribution to improvements in information media services. The health area is a rich environment of research due to the particularities of its professionals and the diversity of backgrounds where they work together in multiprofessional teams. It is the case of the team attending cracked bones ate the Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais the University of São Paulo (HRAC – USP), in the city of Bauru, considered by World Health Organization as reference in the service to people with cleft lip palate. Looking to describe the search process needs found during rotinary attendance, our goal was to identify the main sources of research used health professionals and the informational needs in attendance. The data collection was mad questionnaires to the professional service team encharged of cleft lip palate at the Local Documentation Center. The results show that query to colleagues within the multiprofessional team is the primary source of research, then articles and specialized sites. The documentation center was also appointed as used by the professionals, showing a different perspective of the national and international literature, and confirming the importance the clinical librarian in the health area in hospitals. Such considerations let us conclude that professionals have little time available for research, so in the health informational environment it is need to ofter products and services of fast performance according to the needs of the professionals, as to the role of multiprofessional teams in hospitals become the great differential in health, because they allow the subject to be seen as a whole facilitating the desired process of humanization in hospital.Since more than 50 years, information behavior studies seek to describe the process of searching, access, use and retrieval of information. In the area of Information Science, over the years, various studies were performed in order to meet the growth in the number of studies and their contribution to improvements in information media services. The health area is a rich environment of research due to the particularities of its professionals and the diversity of backgrounds where they work together in multiprofessional teams. It is the case of the team attending cracked bones ate the Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais the University of São Paulo (HRAC – USP), in the city of Bauru, considered by World Health Organization as reference in the service to people with cleft lip palate. Looking to describe the search process needs found during rotinary attendance, our goal was to identify the main sources of research used health professionals and the informational needs in attendance. The data collection was mad questionnaires to the professional service team encharged of cleft lip palate at the Local Documentation Center. The results show that query to colleagues within the multiprofessional team is the primary source of research, then articles and specialized sites. The documentation center was also appointed as used by the professionals, showing a different perspective of the national and international literature, and confirming the importance the clinical librarian in the health area in hospitals. Such considerations let us conclude that professionals have little time available for research, so in the health informational environment it is need to ofter products and services of fast performance according to the needs of the professionals, as to the role of multiprofessional teams in hospitals become the great differential in health, because they allow the subject to be seen as a whole facilitating the desired process of humanization in hospital.