The Book of Law as “Creator” of Coherence. Some Remarks on Kelsen’s and Troper’s Concepts of “Legal Dogmatics” and “Legal Science”

Rua Pedro Lessa, n. 35, 10º andar, Centro.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Telefone: (21) 2215-3370.
ISSN: 2316-8374
Editor Chefe: Maria Celina Bodin de Moraes
Início Publicação: 31/07/2012
Periodicidade: Semestral
Área de Estudo: Direito

The Book of Law as “Creator” of Coherence. Some Remarks on Kelsen’s and Troper’s Concepts of “Legal Dogmatics” and “Legal Science”

Ano: 2015 | Volume: 4 | Número: 1
Autores: Nuno Manuel Pinto Oliveira
Autor Correspondente: Nuno Manuel Pinto Oliveira | [email protected]

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

On law books, legal science, and legal dogmatics; 1. Legal dogmatics as a system of statements on the meaning of the law; 2. Kelsen’s concept of legal science; 2.1. Legal science as a system of descriptive, indicative statements; 2.2. Legal science as a system of descriptive, indicative statements on the whole of the law; 2.3. Legal science’s concept of coherence; 3. Troper’s distinction between legal science and legal dogmatics; 4. A
critique of Kelsen’s concept of legal science; 4.1. On the constitutive character of legal science’s epistemic coherence; 4.2. On the teleological character of legal science’s epistemic coherence; 5. A critique of Troper’s
distinction between legal science and legal dogmatics; 5.1. On the practical, “applicative” character of the scientific statements; 5.2. On the scientific character of practical, “applicative” statements; 6. Legal dogmatics’ comparative and historical components; 7. Legal dogmatics as a source of the law.