Para manter a competitividade, as empresas procuram diversas estra - tégias para se diferenciarem da concorrência e se destacarem no merca - do. Nesse sentido, o design e a forma como ele é gerido são elementos de grande importância, uma vez que o design, além dos aspectos estéticos, passou a incluir a estratégia dentro do mundo dos negócios. As táticas de resolução de problemas através do design focado no desenvolvimento de inovações fornecem apenas retornos positivos para as organizações. Com o presente artigo, pode-se ver a contribuição da gestão de design e design thinking para as empresas alcançarem soluções inovadoras.
This study aimed to know the professional market and entrepreneur - ship in Graphic Design in the north region of Rio Grande do Sul state between 2015 and 2017. In the two main phases of this research were used diferent data collection techniques. At the moment, the data were signed with 108 designers in companies that owned the so-called “crea - tive division” where 10 training projects were designed at the University of Passo Fundo (UPF) through a semi-structured questionnaire. The re - search points to a growing sector with the entry of qualiied professio - nals, with higher education and with the expansion of entrepreneurship from new professionals who reach the market. At the same time that the market absorbs new professionals, it also absorbs the innovations that these bring of their formation and the technological development, what makes that the creative process is in constant transformation. The diiculties encountered in the research are mainly: wages still low by no regulation of the profession; be an entrepreneur in regions far away from big cities; competition from unskilled professionals, etc.